Should You Change Your Pallet Supplier?

As the seasons change, you might be considering a change, too—with your supplier base. Here’s what to look for if you’re in the market for a new pallet provider…

Just as change is evident in nature, so it is in business. In fact, it’s a necessary part of running a successful organization. But how do you know when it’s time to make a change? Consider these eight reasons:

  1. Cost Savings: One of the primary reasons to change pallet suppliers is to reduce costs. Rose Pallet, for example, sources from hundreds of vendor partners across the country and we can negotiate the best price on your behalf.
  2. Quality Improvement: If you’ve experienced issues with pallet quality, such as frequent breakage or damage to your products, switching to a supplier known for higher-quality pallets can help improve your operations and reduce product loss.
  3. Sustainability Initiatives: Choosing a pallet supplier that offers eco-friendly or sustainable pallet options can align with your company’s environmental goals and improve your sustainability profile.
  4. Service and Support: Have you ever been frustrated by a supplier that is difficult to contact?  At Rose Pallet, you’ll always talk to a live person and, if we aren’t available to take your call, we promise to call back within 30 minutes. Moreover, unlike some of the bigger pallet companies, we’re available to come on site to assess and enhance your pallet program.
  5. Capacity and Scalability: As your business grows, you may require a pallet supplier with greater capacity to meet your increased demands. Rose Pallet has multiple locations to meet our clients’ changing needs.
  6. Regional Presence: Depending on your business location, you might need a partner with strong regional presence. Rose Pallet is strategically located in the Midwest, within close proximity to lumber producers as well as the city of Chicago—the nation’s premier freight hub.
  7. Diversity: If your business prioritizes supplier diversity, you may be searching for a wide range of suppliers with diverse backgrounds. Look no further than Rose Pallet! We are a certified, women-owned business.

Incorporating Rose Pallet into your evaluation of new providers can add another layer of diversity and expertise to your supplier base. We are eager to show you how our offerings align with your specific needs and how we can provide the value and benefits you’re seeking. Contact us today!

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