Posts by Amy Olson:

#About Us#Education#Press Release
rose pallet semi truck
Amy Olson headshot by Amy Olson
#About Us#Education#Press Release

The People Behind the Pallets

Who you’re buying from is of incredible importance. When supplying pallets the warehouse team may need to know all services and products provided. On the other hand corporate may be concerned with investment opportunities and ESG goals. Either way it goes, the companies you partner with can have a major impact on productivity and company performance. 

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#Education#Industry Tips#Products
close-up of plastic pallets
Amy Olson headshot by Amy Olson
#Education#Industry Tips#Products

Plastic vs. Wood Pallets in Industrial Use: A Thorough Review

The last thing any business needs is to face storage, shipping, and operational dilemmas all because of the wrong type of pallet. Weigh the pros and cons of plastic pallets vs. wood pallets to determine which is best for your industrial business.

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#Education#Industry Tips#Press Release
Amy Olson headshot by Amy Olson
#Education#Industry Tips#Press Release

Pallet Safety

It is important that we share pallet safety tips for Safety month this June. Over 30,000 pallet related incidents sent people to the emergency room in 2014-2018. This is one reason why pallet safety is critical.

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#Education#Industry Tips#Markets
Amy Olson headshot by Amy Olson
#Education#Industry Tips#Markets

World Environment Day

Every year world environment day is hosted by someone different with a different theme. This year Saudi Arabia would like to focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. It is often assumed that pallets are a great contributor of mass deforestation. This is not true though. Over two million pallets are estimated to be in use at any given time. Yet, majority of these pallets are reconditioned and recycled at the end of use. They are also biodegradable if discarded improperly. 

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