Resolve to Learn Something New…About Wood

Among the top 10 most common New Year’s resolutions is to learn something new. If it’s on your list for 2023, you’re in luck. Continue reading for little-known facts about wood and the wood packaging industry.

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It’s hard to believe we’re embarking on a New Year. Like many Americans, now is the time to establish your resolutions and goals for the year ahead. In addition to exercising more, eating healthy, and reducing stress, your list may include continued learning. Studies show, however, that two weeks into the New Year, many of us abandon our resolve.

We’ll help you break the trend and keep your commitment, starting with learning new facts. Here are a few about wood and the wood packaging industry:

  1. It has superpower characteristics. Neither the man of steel or the human torch are a match for cross-laminated timber (CLT). This product is as strong as steel and actually more fire-resistant!
  2. Steam transformed the wood industry. Wood was harvested with hand tools until the development of steam power in the early 18th And steam-powered trains transported the material nationwide. Steam also increased wood demand as new railroads had to be built, which required more wood for ties.
  3. Wood is significant to our economy. In the late 13th century, the timber supply in Europe had dwindled. Colonists making their way to America discovered a land rich in forests. Workers harvested the wood and exported it to areas in need. In essence, wood provided the boost the American economy needed.
  4. Wood can be rare. Although it is a renewable resource and widely available, some species of wood are rare. One of the rarest woods in the world is Agarwood (pictured above) followed by Dalbergia (source).
  5. Its name can be deceiving. Hardwoods and softwoods are distinguished by their structure, not by their strength. Some softwoods, for example, are harder than some hardwoods. For example, balsa hardwood is actually softer than yew, which is a softwood.
  6. Wood is lucrative. The wood industry is expected to grow to $903.33 billion in 2026 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.2% (source).
  7. Wood provides thousands of jobs. As of 2022, there are 90,783 people employed in the Sawmills & Wood Production industry in the U.S. (source)
  8. Wood has been used by humans for almost 10,000 years. Due to its wide variety of uses and relative ease of harvesting, it has been used all throughout history. Early humans used wood for tools to accomplish everyday tasks.

‘Wood’ you like to know more? We’re happy to talk anytime; please contact us for all your wood packaging and pallet management needs.

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