Tired of Supply Shortages and Price Increases? Try Combo Pallets!

The transition from winter to spring is a great time to take stock of your pallet supply. Perhaps you’ve experienced...

wooden pallet spacers

The transition from winter to spring is a great time to take stock of your pallet supply. Perhaps you’ve experienced shortages, delivery, or price issues with standard pallets over the last several months.

If you have, you’re not alone. But, never fear…Rose Pallet is here to help.


We are combating supply shortages and price increases by offering our customers an alternative—Combo Pallets. And, we’re selling them at special savings…just in time for the busy spring season!

Our new Combo Pallet production line assembles pallets with new stringers, used bottom boards, and used top deck boards. These aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound pallets come in a variety of configurations.

Normal board sizes are 3.5 to 4 inches, but we can also provide six-inch leads and heat treating if required. In addition to the North American or GMA pallet, we also build special sizes including 48 x 45, 48 x 42, 48 x 36, and 48 x 24. All sizes are four-way configuration to allow a forklift to enter the pallet from all four sides providing greater ease in material handling.

While ideal for one-way shipping, combo pallets are suitable for multi-use purposes, too. When considering them for numerous shipments, we can construct the combo pallet using new material for the critical load dimensions and then surround that area with recycled material.

combo pallets are affordable and high quality


Grade A or #1 pallet quality has decreased and spot shortages have occurred. But, Rose Pallet has enough wood in stock and on order to run our new Combo Pallet production line at full speed. The best part is we are offering these Combo Pallets under customary market price, so it is affordable as well as reliable. Take advantage of this amazing offer while we continue to ramp up production. You won’t find a better combo pallet at a lower price! Request a quote today…

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