How to Avoid Buyer’s Remorse

We’ve all done it before. Bought something and then regretted it later. Fortunately, a pair of shoes that look great online but cause discomfort, can be returned. But what about pallets? Does it matter which one you buy?

gentleman with his hands over his head

As a purchasing manager, you have a lot on your plate including qualifying suppliers and negotiating contracts. But what about evaluating pallets before purchasing? While it’s true most look alike––they are all flat, portable platforms––the reality is there are many different options available in various materials, sizes, and designs. Using the right one is critical to protect equipment and your products in transit.

So, if you haven’t done it recently, it’s time to prioritize the task. After all, without understanding how pallets function within your unique system, it’s easy to buy the wrong type. Knowing answers to a few simple questions can prevent buyer’s remorse.

Involve the warehouse managers and others who move and load pallets through the system and ask the following:

  1. What is the size, dimension, and weight of the products being shipped as well as their level of fragility?
  2. How much load does each pallet need to bear?
  3. Where are pallets shipping to? This will help determine why type of pallet treatment is needed.
  4. How do pallets function in the organization? Single use, closed loop, or other system?
  5. What type of equipment is used to handle pallets?
  6. Are pallets stored on site or off site? What are the conditions in which they’re stored?

Knowing these specifications will help take the guesswork out of pallet procurement. Of course, a trusted partner in pallet management can also help you evaluate the performance of pallets in your organization to ensure you buy the right one.

Rose Pallet has helped countless clients with assessments, pallet specifications, design, and procurement.  Contact us today for a free consultation.

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