A Look at the Pallet Industry through Rose-Colored Glasses

Although the pallet industry still has a shortage of women in management or production, we view the gender gap through rose-colored glasses. It propels us to work harder and leverage our strengths–all in an effort to benefit you!

amy standing on rose pallet semi truck

When I started out in the pallet business, I knew I would have challenges along the way.  Back then, it was rare to encounter women on either the operations or management end of pallet production.  And it continues to be uncommon.  Even now, when my sister and I attend industry conferences, we find that only roughly 10% of attendees are women.

rose colored sunglassesThat statistic motivates us to demonstrate how a women-owned business in a male-dominated industry is a recipe for success. To start with, we view the gender gap through rose-colored glasses.  It propels us to work harder and leverage our strengths.

For example, the stereotype that women are more emotional than men is not a stigma to us. We use our emotional intelligence or EQ (yes—there is such a thing) in our everyday tasks at the office.

According to Howard Gardner, Harvard theorist, emotional intelligence or EQ is the level of your ability to understand other people, what motivates them, and how to work cooperatively with them.

If you visit our web page titled Why Rose Pallet, you’ll see the first benefit of working with us is that we listen. Listening is the key to understanding other people. Rather than try to sell you a product, we take the time to understand your operational requirements and partner with you on a unique, long-term solution.

Motivation and empathy are two other categories recognized by researchers of emotional intelligence. Working in a male-dominated industry certainly boosts our achievement drive. We find that we work harder to prove our capabilities, and our clients benefit with top-notch service and customer care. Furthermore, our natural ability to empathize complements our service-oriented initiatives. When you partner with us, you’ll find that we are better able to anticipate your needs because we pay attention to your goals. After all, helping you succeed helps our business grow—it’s a win-win situation.

So, if you have ‘mixed emotions’ about your current provider, I encourage you to give Rose Pallet a try. Experience the difference of partnering with a women-owned pallet provider. We have a lot of passion for pallets and a good feeling about helping you!

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