we are the champions

Meet the Champions Who Power Our Supply Chain

It’s been the unspoken hero throughout the global pandemic. That’s right, we’re talking about the pallet. The foundation upon which countless sanitizing products, PPE, medical equipment, and other essential items were shipped to help protect the spread of the virus and assist those affected. And next month, the champions who build and sell them will be meeting up face-to-face.

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close-up of a tree trunk that has been cut down

Dying to Know What that Color Means on Your Pallet?

Brightly colored eggs are common this time of year as many families enjoy the tradition of dyeing and hiding them, but what about multi-colored pallets? If you’ve ever seen one with green, purple, or blue stains, you may be concerned. What exactly do those colors mean and should you avoid pallets with unusual coloring?

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boxes sitting on wooden pallets

Can anything replace pallets in the supply chain?

The pallet is the most common base for unit loads. And for good reason. When the palletization concept was first introduced, it had a dramatic impact on material handling efficiency. Then as it is now, pallets offer myriad benefits compared to other methods of handling.

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