Education Articles

Two people going over pallet assessment

Why Pallet Specs Matter

Do you know your pallet specs? It seems like a basic question, but many buyers are stumped. And there is a common misconception that it doesn’t really matter—pallets aren’t complicated so any variety should work, right? Don’t be fooled…

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two females staring at wood

7 Wonders of the Wood Industry

While most of us in the workforce no longer attend daily classes, we are still continually learning on the job. Our staff at Rose Pallet is no exception. We’re always studying and researching to better understand the wood industry and to help guide our clients…

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close-up of pallet machne

Pallet 101: Fundamentals in Material & Manufacturing

Ever wondered how rubber balls are made? What about clocks or crayons? Yep—there’s a show for that. How It’s Made on the Discovery Channel gives viewers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into how everyday things are manufactured. We thought we’d model that idea by providing a summary of the pallet manufacturing process.

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